Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hidden Pain

In her last chapter, Lulu writes about "hidden pain." Do you have hidden pain? Lulu also said that sometimes it helps to write about sadness; writing may help you through the grieving process.

If you write about your hidden pain, you do not have to leave your ID. You can be anonymous.

The Day After the Visit!

Lulu Delacre came yesterday to talk with us about her struggles, her insights, and her book. What is your reaction to Lulu's visit? (Student ID)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Not Knowing What You Have

Colin says (and Ruben agrees!) that we don't know what we have until we don't have it....
This realization is important! How might this realization change your behavior with people you love (or even like)? (Student ID)

Should Kathlynn Call?

After the accident, Kathlynn worries about her friends, especially her friend Melissa. She knows that Melissa is going out and partying and getting rides with people who might be drinking. Kathlynn wonders if she should call Melissa's mother.

If Melissa were your good friend, would you call her mother to warn her about Melissa's dangerous behavior? If so, why? If not, why not?

Do you know anyone who is living dangerously? What advice would you give them? (Student ID)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Friendships Among the Opposite Sex

In class we discussed the relationship between Alicia and Gaeb. They were really good friends. Alicia gave Gaeb good advice and made sure to keep in touch. Gaeb treasured the birthday card Alicia had made for him and was loyal to her. (Remember when he stopped being friends with the guy who had pushed Alicia?)

Some of you said that it is easy to have good friends of the opposite sex. Others disagreed and said that there is always the hope of romance! What is your opinion? Explain. (Student ID).

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Adjectives are words that describe nouns. We have only read to page 29, but we already know a little about Alicia's personality. What adjectives would you use to describe Alicia? Give evidence for your answers.

For example:
Alicia was talented (adjective). She was talented as an artist. We can see her impressive drawings throughout the book. She was also talented as a dancer. She learned the dance steps for the Poms tryouts in only 45 minutes. This short time impressed Erin!

(Student ID) 


Alicia seemed to have many talents. We know that she was an artist and a dancer. What special talents do you have? Explain your talents. Why do you think you have these talents? Has someone helped you discover your talents, or did they emerge naturally? (Student ID)

"Friendship At First Sight"

We often talk about "love at first sight", but what about friendship at first sight? Erin said that she became friends with Alicia very quickly. Erin knew immediately that she and Alicia would be friends after the day that she taught her the dance steps.
Has this happened to you? Have you become friends with someone very quickly? Explain your situation. Who is/was the person? Why do you think you became friends so fast? (Student ID)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

You at 17

What kinds of friends did you have when you were 17? What did you do for fun? What interested you? (Student ID)

Good Parents

How were Alicia's parents "good" parents? What evidence do we have in the book?
Write a paragraph. Start with a topic sentence. Then, support your idea with details from the book. (Student ID).


Have you ever experienced grief? Write about a loved one that you lost. (Student ID).

Definition of "afterimage"

In class, we looked at experiments about afterimages. In your own words, explain what we did.
(What did we look at? What happened?) Use your student ID to get credit.