Saturday, September 22, 2012

Friendships Among the Opposite Sex

In class we discussed the relationship between Alicia and Gaeb. They were really good friends. Alicia gave Gaeb good advice and made sure to keep in touch. Gaeb treasured the birthday card Alicia had made for him and was loyal to her. (Remember when he stopped being friends with the guy who had pushed Alicia?)

Some of you said that it is easy to have good friends of the opposite sex. Others disagreed and said that there is always the hope of romance! What is your opinion? Explain. (Student ID).


  1. 980542

    When do you have a real relationship with a guy it doesn't mean you have a romance with him. I had a boy-friend, we were really good friends, we trusted each other and talked about our personal lives. He was friendly and was a person can anybody trusted with. He never told me that he liked me or something like that, I respected him and he respected me. We used to go out together everywhere at any time. That is why I believe there is a real friendship without having a romance.

  2. I do believe that if you spent so much time with someone else certain kind of feelings are going wake up in your internal self, and realize that you cant live without the has been one year that I been single and to be honest I fell in love with my friend she doesn't know though she has a boyfriend which make everything complicate for me.I respect our friendship and express my feeling to her would make everything complicate for both of us, and our friendship would be over, I don't want that even if I know that I love her, I rather stay in silent than lose her forever. that's why I think that really good friends at the end fell in love at least one.1004691.

  3. in my opinion, it is more easy be friend with a girl then a boy is a good friend and we can talk about different topic in the good think they paid attention wat u says not like us we forget easy i like to have girls friend a have a lot and they are really cool..985 753
